Lamas Vol 33 1982
A medieval armorial brooch or pendant from Baynards Castle.
Tony Wilmott
Lamas Vol 33 1982
Excavations at Queen Street, City of London, 1953 and 1960, and Roman timber-lined wells in London.
Tony Wilmott
Lamas Vol 33 1982
The Roman cemetery at St Bartholomew’s Hospital.
David Bentley & Frances Pritchard
Lamas Vol 33 1982
The waterfront of Londinium: the date of the quays at the Custom House site reassessed.
John Fletcher
Lamas Vol 34 1983
A dated type-series of London medieval pottery: Part 3: a late medieval Hertfordshire glazed ware.
Anne Jenner & Alan G Vince
Lamas Vol 34 1983
A late Saxon glass finger ring from the City of London.
Alan G Vince & Justine Bayley
Lamas Vol 34 1983
The London inn of the Abbots of Waltham: a revised reconstruction of a medieval town house in Lovat Lane.
Derek Gadd
Lamas Vol 34 1983
The river Thames in London in the mid 1st century AD.
G Milne, R W Battarbee, V Straker & B Yule
Lamas Vol 35 1984
A cache of Roman intaglios from Eastcheap, City of London.
Martin Henig
Lamas Vol 35 1984
Roman timber-lined wells in the City of London: further examples.
Tony Wilmott
Lamas Vol 36 1985
A building in Pudding Lane destroyed in the Great Fire of 1666: excavations on the Peninsular House site, 1979 – 80.
Gustav & Chrissie Milne
Lamas Vol 36 1985
Faunal evidence from a late medieval garden well of the Greyfriars, London.
Philip L Armitage & Barbara West
Lamas Vol 37 1986
The Roman features at Gateway House and Watling House, Watling Street, City of London (1954).
John D Shepherd
Lamas Vol 38 1987
The pre-urban and Roman topography in the King Street and Cheapside areas of the City of London.
John D Shepherd
Lamas Vol 39 1988
The Roman occupation in the area of Paternoster Square, City of London.
John D Shepherd
Lamas Vol 41 1990
Medieval buildings and property development in the area of Cheapside.
John Schofield, Patrick Allen & Colin Taylor
Lamas Vol 42 1991
Late Roman London: an assessment of the ceramic evidence from the City of London.
R P Symonds & R S Tomber
Lamas Vol 44 1993
Early Roman development at Leadenhall Court, London and related research.
G Milne & A Wardle
Lamas Vol 48 1997
Excavations on the site of St Nicholas Shambles,
Newgate Street, City Of London, 1975-9.
John Schofield
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