‘Please Sir, can I have some more?’

Ian Blair

A lovely photo of Geoff Egan, Penny MacConnoran, and Anne Davis at the Guildhall Christmas lunch around 2008. This annual institution was always well attended by the archaeological fraternity, as there were always copious amounts of alcohol to be imbibed, and raucous support to be offered to Carol Thompson as she sought yet again to win the best fancy Christmas hat competition.

Unfortunately, when the good ship ‘MoLAS’ sailed away from the Museum of London in 2011, as well as no longer being eligible for membership of the Corporation of London Final Salary Pension Scheme, we were barred from attending the Christmas lunch at the Guildhall. ‘Please Sir, can I have some more?’


Anne Penny Geoff at Guildhall Xmas lunchPhoto: from Anne Davis, but believed to have come from Penny