‘The Man Who Would Be King’
Ian Blair
Coronation day seems to be an appropriate occasion to share this picture for the first time. It was taken by Jon Bailey on the DUA excavation at Billingsgate in 1982. Down and not so dirty in the trench is His Royal Highness Prince Charles (crowned King Charles III today), flanked by the less pristine looking archaeologists Chris Fenn and Steve Roskams.
Chris Fenn, His Royal Highness Prince Charles and Steve Roskams. Photo: Jon Bailey
Chris is Julie Flude’s brother and a good friend of mine who I worked alongside on the Billingsgate site. Whilst talking to Julie at ‘The Great Museum of London Reunion’ in December, sadly I learnt that Chris had died in Canada a couple of years ago. She mentioned the fact that he had been photographed at Billingsgate when Prince Charles visited, although her family had never seen the photograph. Happily, after a search through the Billingsgate slides at MOLA, I managed to find the image and was able to send digital copies to Julie and her family.
Rest in peace Chris
Chris, Steve, and Prince Charles, also feature in two earlier Billingsgate related posts whose links are below:
Billingsgate-memories http://tinyurl.com/yws986n5
Unsolved-archaeological-mysteries-no-311 http://tinyurl.com/55v8fkjn