Regis House Gantry Collapse

Ian Blair

 Mercifully, near misses on archaeological sites in the City, were relatively few – but these photos from Regis House document an exception – when a gantry supporting a fully laden skip collapsed adjoining an area that Kieron Heard, Andy West and Adam Lord were working in.

'Read all about it!': Headlines at Regis House (KWS94)

Ian Blair


Before the advent of digital cameras: which can tell you the very second that a photograph was taken on, old steam driven SLR camera technology generally saw supervisors on site taking a snap of a scribbled date on a scrap of paper at the start of each film.

‘Dickie Bluer and his unfeasibly large ball’

Ian Blair


This photo is the most striking of a series of large framed images that hang in the main corridor of the MOLA offices - and I cannot help but smile whenever I pass it on the way to the photocopier.

'The Good Old Days'

Ian Blair

'With apologies to Withnail and I.'
Photograph from Rysz Bartkowiak.

"How many Italians can you fit in a well?"

Ian Blair

The Walbrook site (WA006), was memorable for a number of things: foremost amongst these being decent archaeology and a fantastic good humoured team.

The home of the DUA

Ian Blair

Whilst each of the major buildings that the DUA occupied including No1 London Wall / Plaisterers Hall and Walker House all had their own unique character and folklore that was to follow from our time in residence, the spiritual home of the unit for me, in conjunction with our sprawling encampment on Trig Lane on the Thames waterfront, will always be 71 Basinghall Street behind the Guildhall

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