Every Picture Told a Story:
a Christina Unwin Retrospective

Gustav Milne

If memory serves, Chris Unwin walked onto the Baynard's Castle site in June 1975, taking a break from her studies at UCL.

She proved a proficient and ever cheerful archaeologist, but her other skills also attracted the attention of the DUA's Drawing Office. Indeed, it is as a talented artist that she is often fondly remembered. Some of Carbon Castle cartoons and cover drawings for the DUA's Radio Carbon newsletter she produced as a sideline to the day job are reproduced here, in recognition of the wit, charm and skill she brought to the unit.

To mark the return of Steve Roskams to the GPO site (where he would supervise the excavation of the rich Roman stratigraphy) a classically inspired cover, with an inscription reading: Dedicated to the deified Emperor Steve Roskams Caesar, the Dedicated, Best and Greatest, honoured with triumphs at Carthage, Milk Street and GPO, of the Dobbunic voting tribe, master of the matrix, raised to the site supervisorial power twice, father of his site, susser-out of black earth, on account of his return to the GPO


Following a major site -clean up of the well-preserved Roman building foundations on the GPO site, extensive photographic coverage was undertaken by Trevor Hurst


Health & Safety at work was a major, on-going issue debated on and off site, as an increasing awareness of new legislation had to be fully addressed: spot the hazards noted in her cover illustration...


Radio Carbon Cover September 78While we're on the subject of H&S, this cover illustrates an incident involving two or three DUA archaeologists, some scaffolding, a cathedral and the local police.


Radio Carbon Cover Christmas 78Xmas celebrations



1 March 1978 Radio Carbon Carbon Castle 550wMarch 1978

May 1978May 1978

Carbon Castle June 1978June 1978

Carbon Castle September 1978September 1978

Carbon Castle Christmas 1978Christmas 1978





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